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Van Cheong Tea

Refined Chinese Tea (特級滇紅)

Refined Chinese Tea (特級滇紅)

Regular price $27.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $27.00 CAD
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[PRODUCT DESCRIPTION] Comes from the environment-friendly garden of the natural ecosystem of xihu. The tea trees used are mainly the buds and leaves of Yunnan big leaf tea, which are fermented and processed into black tea. It is a high grade black tea.

[PRODUCT FLAVOUR] It has rich and mellow taste, rich aroma and long aftertaste. High-quality black tea has a sweet aroma, and it will have a sweet and pleasant aroma after brewing. Refined Chinese Tea has a refreshing effect and detoxification effect.

Original: China

Quantity: 227g

Direction: Brew tea 2 - 3minutes to serve. Can Brew it multiple times. 

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